Archer Square
3501 SW Archer Road, Gainesville, Florida
- Archer Square is located on the corner of 34th Street and Archer Road across from Butler Town Center, a lifestyle and power center.
- Nearby University of Florida is home to more than 70,000 students and staff.
- The center has great visibility, a signalized entrance and multiple access points from both 34th Street.
- Total Square Footage:103,871 SF
- Available:NO SPACE AVAILABLE – 100% Leased
- Anchor Tenants:Kohl’s, Walgreens
Demographics: | 1 mi | 3 mi | 5 mi |
Population: | 22,292 | 85,462 | 160,680 |
Households | 9,429 | 33,736 | 66,301 |
Avg HH Income ($) | 28,233 | 40,901 | 63,143 |
Population: | |
1 mi | 22,292 |
3 mi | 85,462 |
5 mi | 160,680 |
Households | |
1 mi | 9,429 |
3 mi | 33,736 |
5 mi | 66,301 |
Avg HH Income ($) | |
1 mi | 28,233 |
3 mi | 40,901 |
5 mi | 63,143 |
Leasing Contacts
Jeremy Rosenthall
M&P Shopping Centers
(770) 698-0403