Lynn Haven Plaza
1812 South Hwy 77, Lynn Haven, Florida
- Lynn Haven Plaza is located at the intersection of Highway 77/Lynn Haven Parkway and Mowat School Road.
- It has excellent visibility and is easily accessible with six ingress/egress access points.
- The center is conveniently located in close proximity to the high-volume Panama City Mall.
It’s line-up of necessity retail and strong variety of restaurants attracts multiple visits weekly from patrons.
- Total Square Footage:88,832 SF
- Available:NO SPACE AVAILABLE – 100% Leased
- Anchor Tenants:Winn Dixie and Dollar Tree
Demographics: | 1 mi | 3 mi | 5 mi |
Population: | 8,605 | 34,,359 | 69,272 |
Households | 3,354 | 13,352 | 27,153 |
Avg HH Income ($) | 78,566 | 97,833 | 81,077 |
Population: | |
1 mi | 8,605 |
3 mi | 34,,359 |
5 mi | 69,272 |
Households | |
1 mi | 3,354 |
3 mi | 13,352 |
5 mi | 27,153 |
Avg HH Income ($) | |
1 mi | 78,566 |
3 mi | 97,833 |
5 mi | 81,077 |
Leasing Contacts
Jeremy Rosenthall
M&P Shopping Centers
(770) 698-0403