Twin Oaks Plaza
2853 East College Ave., Avondale Estates, Georgia

- Twin Oaks Plaza is located on East College Avenue approximately ½ mile from the famous Avondale Tudor Village.
- Avondale Estates is experiencing a major revitalization with the addition of new multi-family developments.
- The center has excellent visibility and has a signalized intersection with two points of ingress/egress.
- Many tenants have been long-standing retailers and service providers for this community.
- Total Square Footage:25,420 SF
- Available:840 SF
- Anchor Tenants:Finders Keepers, Avondale Pizza
Demographics: | 1 mi | 3 mi | 5 mi |
Population: | 11,282 | 113,212 | 300,278 |
Households | 5,136 | 46,759 | 124,258 |
Avg HH Income ($) | 118,626 | 101,309 | 100,049 |
Population: | |
1 mi | 11,282 |
3 mi | 113,212 |
5 mi | 300,278 |
Households | |
1 mi | 5,136 |
3 mi | 46,759 |
5 mi | 124,258 |
Avg HH Income ($) | |
1 mi | 118,626 |
3 mi | 101,309 |
5 mi | 100,049 |
Leasing Contacts
Jeremy Rosenthall
M&P Shopping Centers
(770) 698-0403